[[:en:Tabán|Tabán]] Park Botanical nature trail. Stations: 22. Silver lime. 23 Silver poplar. 24 Silver maple. 25 Cornelian cherry. 26. Swedish whitebeam. 27 Cotoneaster horizontalis. - [[:en:Budapest|Budapest]] District I., [[:en:Hungary|Hungary]].}}{{hu|1= A [[:hu:Tabán (Budapest)|Tabáni]] Botanikai Tanösvény. - 22. Ezüst hárs (Tilia tomentosa) 23. Fehér nyár (Populus alba)24. Ezüst juhar (Acer saccharinum) 25 Húsos som (Cornus mas) 26. Svéd berkenye (Sorbus × intermedia) 27. Kerti madárbirs, henye madárbirs (Cotoneaster horizontalis) .- [[:hu:Magyarország|Magyarország]], [[:hu:Budapest|Budapest]], [[:hu:Budapest_I._kerülete|I. kerület]]{{Location|47|29|37.2|N|19|2|14.4|E|region:HU}}
Tilia tomentosa
Silver Linden
This robust tree features erect branches that develop into an umbrella shape as Tilia tomentosa matures. Its dark-green, rounded leaves have a silver underside that looks stunning when ruffled by breezes. Tilia tomentosa produces a mass of pale-yellow, sweetly-scented flowers in the summer, which are known to attract bees, making it a beneficial addition to any landscape. Tilia tomentosa is deciduous and native to southeastern Europe. Learn more about Tilia tomentosa.
Other common name(s): Silver Lime
Height: 8.0m
Estimated 10 year height and width
Foliage Colour(s):
- Winter:
- Spring:
- green
- grey
- Summer:
- green
- grey
- Autumn:
- yellow
- Winter:
Stem Colour(s):
- Winter:
- Spring:
- Summer:
- Autumn:
- Winter:
Flower Colour(s):
- Winter:
- Spring:
- Summer:
- yellow
- Autumn:
- Winter:
Fruit Colour(s):
- Winter:
- Spring:
- Summer:
- Autumn:
- Winter:
Tilia tomentosa stock information
We are currently experiencing inventory issues – please contact us to check stock availability.
Grade | Height | Standard | Available | I/P | Qty / Price |