Magnolia ‘Vulcan’
Magnolia ‘Vulcan’ produces massive, brilliant, ruby-red, heavily-textured flowers that open from wine-red buds from late winter to early spring. The flowers emit a fruity fragrance and can reach up to 20cm wide. It is important to note that Magnolia ‘Vulcan’ may not be suitable for areas with early spring frosts. Additionally, Magnolia ‘Vulcan’ begins to flower from an early age and has an erect and open-branched habit. Magnolia ‘Vulcan’ is deciduous, not native to New Zealand, and a hybrid between Magnolia campbellii and Magnolia liliiflora. Magnolia ‘Vulcan’ was raised by Felix Jury in New Zealand and was introduced in 1989.
Other common name(s):
$107.12 – $1,066.00
Height: 6.0m
Estimated 10 year height and width
Foliage Colour(s):
- Winter:
- Spring:
- green
- Summer:
- green
- Autumn:
- green
- Winter:
Stem Colour(s):
- Winter:
- Spring:
- Summer:
- Autumn:
- Winter:
Flower Colour(s):
- Winter:
- Spring:
- pink
- purple
- red
- Summer:
- Autumn:
- Winter:
Fruit Colour(s):
- Winter:
- Spring:
- Summer:
- Autumn:
- Winter:
Magnolia ‘Vulcan’ stock information
We are currently experiencing inventory issues – please contact us to check stock availability.
Grade | Height | Standard | Available | I/P | Qty / Price |
25L | 2-2.5m | 18 | 0 |
$107.12Add to cart |
35L | 2.7m | 14 | 0 |
$156.00Add to cart |
45L | 2.2m | 52 | 0 |
$208.00Add to cart |
60L | 3m | 3 | 0 |
$273.52Add to cart |
80L | 3-3.5m | 12 | 0 |
$390.00Add to cart |
200L | 4m | 6 | 0 |
$650.00Add to cart |
400L | m | 2 | 0 |
$1,066.00Add to cart |