Acer capillipes
Snakebark Maple
Acer capillipes has a vase-like shape, with red new stems and bark that features green and white stripes. During autumn, the leaves take on orange and scarlet tones, which provide a stunning display. Acer capillipes prefers soil that is moist and well-drained, as well as part-shade, particularly in hot climates. It can also tolerate air pollution, making it a suitable option for urban environments. Acer capillipes is deciduous and native to the islands of Honshū, Kyūshū, and Shikoku in Japan. Learn more about Acer capillipes.
Other common name(s): Hair-foot Maple, Red Snakebark Maple, Kyushu Maple, Hosoe-Kaede, Ashiboso-urinoki
$156.00 – $208.00
Height: 6.0m
Estimated 10 year height and width
Foliage Colour(s):
- Winter:
- Spring:
- green
- Summer:
- green
- Autumn:
- orange
- red
- Winter:
Stem Colour(s):
- Winter:
- green
- white
- Spring:
- green
- white
- Summer:
- green
- white
- Autumn:
- green
- white
- Winter:
Flower Colour(s):
- Winter:
- Spring:
- Summer:
- Autumn:
- Winter:
Fruit Colour(s):
- Winter:
- Spring:
- Summer:
- Autumn:
- Winter:
Acer capillipes stock information
We are currently experiencing inventory issues – please contact us to check stock availability.
Grade | Height | Standard | Available | I/P | Qty / Price |
35L | 2m | 5 | 0 |
$156.00Add to cart |
45L | 3.8m | 17 | 0 |
$208.00Add to cart |